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Cost of All Inclusive
in Mexico City


- The Surgical Procedure
- Board Certified Plastic Surgeons fees
- Certified Anesthesiologist and all Medical Team fees
- Certified Hospital Stay
- Supplies and disposable materials / All medication required during surgery
- Breast Implants
- 7 days Hotel stay
- All the Pre and Post-operative Consultations
- All the local Transportation from and to (Airport / Hotel  -  Hotel / Hospital - Hotel / Medical Consultations...)
- Bilingual Assistant
 A Medical Doctor (M.D.) will visit your hotel room daily to monitor your post-surgery health, assist with bandage changes, and support any other needs during your recovery time at the hotel.

Cost Breast implants without package (only surgery): US$3,500 

Costs of specific procedures related to the breast jobs

The Prices below are without package (only procedure)

Cost of Breast Implant Exchange / replacement: US$3,700

Cost of Breast Implant Exchange / replacement + Breast Lift: US$3,950

Cost of Tuberous Breast Correction + implants:

Cost of Breast Implant Removal + Lift: US$3,700

Cost of Capsulectomy (removal of scar tissue around implants): US$2,900


Cost of Symmastia Correction (uniboob correction): US$3,100

Cost of Symmastia Correction (uniboob correction) + implant: US$3,500

Cost of Fat Transfer to Breasts: Procedure not performed at our facility

Cost of Inverted Nipple Correction: US$950

Cost of Nipple Reduction surgery: US$950

Cost of Areola Reduction surgery:

Cost of Nipple + Areola Reduction surgery: US$1,500



Our packages are all inclusive, with NO HIDDEN COST!

Breast Implants
n 4 areas
(Abdomen, Abdominal flanks, Lower back, Upper back)
Brazilian Butt Lift
(Buttock Augmentation through Micro Fat Grafting technique)
7 days Hotel stay


Breast Implants
Liposuction 4 areas

(Abdomen, Abdominal flanks, Lower back, Upper back)
Brazilian Butt Lift

(Buttock Augmentation through Micro Fat Grafting technique)
7 days Hotel stay


Breast lift
Breast Implants
Tummy Tuck
n 4 areas
(Abdomen, Abdominal flanks, Lower back, Upper back)
10 days Hotel stay


Breast lift
Breast Implants
Tummy Tuck
Liposuction 4 areas

(Abdomen, Abdominal flanks, Lower back, Upper back)
Brazilian Butt Lift

(Buttock Augmentation through Micro Fat Grafting technique)
10 days Hotel stay



Breast Implants Mexico - Patient Review

Patient's Age:29
Surgeries: Rhinoplasty + Breast implants + 7 days Hotel stay
All Inclusive Total Package Cost: 

Breast Augmentation Mexico - Patient Review

Patient's Age:31
Surgeries: Breast Implants + Full Body Liposuction + Brazilian Butt Lift + 7 days Hotel stay
All Inclusive Total Package Cost: 

Breast Implant surgery Mexico - Patient Review

Patient's Age:36
Surgeries: Ethnic Rhinoplasty + Breast Implants + 7 days Hotel stay
All Inclusive Package Cost: 

Breast Augmentation surgery Mexico - Patient Review

Patient's Age: 38
Surgeries: Breast Implants + Rhinoplasty + 7 days Hotel stay 
All Inclusive Package Cost: 

"From day one in Mexico I have had only positive experiences. You can immediately tell that my surgeon has the professional experience and expertise, but he also takes the time to get to know you on a personal level. Every one of your staff- team (patient coordinator...) are friendly, knowledgeable and make you feel so comfortable. The healing process went just as you explained it, I am extremely happy with the outcome!"

"After having two kids, my breasts completely deflated which made it hard to feel comfortable in a lot of outfits. I was really nervous about having the procedure in Mexico but your staff reassured me and made sure I was completely prepared for it. I am so glad I decided to do this in Mexico, I would recommend you to anyone!".

"I felt very comfortable on my first visit in Mexico. For many years I thought of how spectacular it would be to have a nose job and a breast implant surgery that enhanced my diminishing natural breasts. At the age of 36, with a determined attitude, i decided to do it, I am very happy with my results, I got my beautiful and FULL breasts. They look great, feel great, look natural and don’t bounce around like water balloons. They were done so well that people oftentimes think I am naturally busty. I could not be more thrilled, you did an amazing work! :-)d".

"Everything from my first face to face consultation with the surgeon to my follow up appointments have been done beyond professionally. You made me feel comfortable, answered all my questions. I'm so glad I was able to do my procedure through your company, My surgeon knows his 'stuff' and has a great eye for the female physique. I am so glad I went with his suggestion. I will never go anywhere else for my plastic surgery needs!".

450cc Breast Implants
550cc Breast Implants
430cc Breast Implants
380cc Breast Implants
320cc Breast Implants
400cc Breast Implants
410cc Breast Implants
470cc Breast Implants
390cc Breast Implants
450cc Breast Implants
560cc Breast Implants
540cc Revision Breast Implants
Plastic Surgery in Mexico
Plastic Surgery in Mexico - Top Plastic Surgeons Mexico.jpg


What is the Breast Implants procedure?
If you think that the volume of your breasts is insufficient and that the establishment of breast implants may alter the situation; or you want to correct a difference in size between the two breasts; your breasts are flat for congenital reasons, due to a decrease in size after one or more pregnancies, or after a diet, it is indeed the only possible solution. This surgery can be associated with mammary lift / breast lift surgery.
According to the desired results and to the type of chosen implant, the prosthesis can be positioned by two different manners.

 - Pre muscular,
Implant in front of the muscle. 

 - Retro muscular,
Implant behind the muscle.

Breast Implants Mexico

The implants we use are all in frost (gel) silicone new generation « Gummy Bear », they do not need to be changed, you can keep them for life. Our implants are all in the standards ISO and FDA which is the equivalent in the USA in the standard CE or IT in Europe.

The brands we use to use for our implants are:
- ISD (American implants)
- Mentor (American implants)
- Allergan Natrelle (American implants)
- Silmed (Brazilian implants)

The brand of the used prosthesis will be chosen by the surgeon according to the availability.

Breast Implants Mexico

Before the Breast Implants
A mammography may be asked before the intervention to detect a possible tumour or other one. No medicine containing of the aspirin must be taken in 20 days preceding the intervention.

Anaesthesia for Breast Implants
The breast implant surgery can come true under local anaesthetic and sedation or under general anaesthesia.

How long does Breast Implants take?
According to the surgeon, to the way at first and to the possible necessity of associated complementary gestures, the intervention can last from 1h30 to 2h30.

How visible will Breast implants scars be?
Every surgeon adopts a technique of his/her own and adapts it to the patient to obtain the possible better result according to expectations.
There are 3 main ways to introduce the implant.
- Or by the way of the mammary halo.
- Or under the breast, with section placed in the furrow.

- Or by a section made under the arm at the level of the armpit. It is important to note that armpit or navel incisions cannot accommodate silicone implants. They are also not possible for submuscular placement performed via a navel incision.

Breast Augmentation Mexico

Recovery and Healing after Breast Implants
The first days after the procedure sometimes significant pain may be felt, especially if the implants have a large volume and especially if they are placed behind the muscles. Analgesic treatment adapted to the intensity of pain, will be prescribed for a few days. In the best case, the patient will feel a strong sense of tension. Oedema and bruising may appear. Discomfort to the elevation of the arms are frequent early times.

A specific bra should be worn day and night for several weeks. Most of the time, the suture son are internal and resorbable. Otherwise, they will be removed after a few days.

Every case is different and many factors surround the length of recovery time to be realistic with yourself and plan well but in general terms:   
Day 1 to 4: Inflammation, Expect swelling, pain, and discomfort. You may experience some bleeding in the first 24 hours, don’t panic. This is the time when patients take the most medication. Try to move your arms in order minimize spasm pain. You may see bruises develop.

Day 4 to 10: Shower, Time Though your post-op care instructions may vary, it is generally ok to shower and get wounds briefly wet. Fluid retention and swelling of the abdomen are normal. Some patients experience mild constipation stemming from the pain medication. Pain begins to diminish during the daytime and some patients decrease the frequency of pain management medication. Patients have reported more severe pain in the middle of the night, particularly those with submuscular breast implants.

Day 10 to 20: Most patients begin their implant displacement massages and exercises during this period.
Significant decrease in risk of infection or bleeding. Most patients are able to return to moderate impact exercises, such as walking, but must avoid heavy lifting. Swelling and night pain should begin to subside. Numbness of the nipples can occur during this periods.

How long after a Breast Implants do you start seeing results?
A deadline from two to three months is necessary to appreciate the definitive result. It is the time required so that the breast can find all its flexibility and so that the prosthesis is stabilized.


Treatments NOT “Approved" by our medical team. 

The procedures below do not meet our standards of safety, effectiveness, and/or holistic attributes.  
That list is based solely on the opinions of our surgeons and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of all doctors or the standard of care in your area. 


We don't perform and we don’t recommend fat transfer for breast augmentation for several reasons:

1) Fat transfer can only provide a modest increase in size, typically less than 150cc - 200cc, whereas the average implant size ranges from 350cc to 400cc, resulting in a more substantial size increase.

2) Additionally, fat injections must be placed deep into the pectoral muscle and its fascia.

3) Fat grafting may require multiple sessions, and there's a limit to how much fat can be transferred, even if a large amount is taken from another part of your body.

4) Some patients may need to undergo skin expansion with a BRAVA device before fat grafting, which can be cumbersome and inconvenient.

5) Achieving significant breast augmentation with fat alone is challenging, and the longevity of the results is unpredictable.

6) Medical studies have demonstrated that injecting fat containing stem cells into the breasts (an organ highly prone to cancer - with one in nine women developing breast cancer in their lifetime), can pose significant risks. This is because injecting fat into the breast is similar to introducing a substantial amount of stem cells near or among a cluster of precancerous cells in the organ. Consider the potential consequences if a surgeon were to inject stem cells into undetected cancer cells. The outcome could be drastic, potentially increasing the risk of cancer development or stimulating the growth of existing cancer to become more aggressive.

7) Another issue linked with fat transfer is the risk of calcification, resulting in the death of fat cells. When these deceased fat cells reach a certain size, they can form cysts, potentially impairing the clarity of mammograms.


Putting breast implants in through the belly button might sound like a neat idea and has been a clever selling point for lots of plastic surgeons for over ten years.
Who wouldn't want just a tiny scar in their belly button and no marks on their breasts? … The truth isn't as great as it sounds!
We've seen some patients who've had really good outcomes from this approach, but we've also seen some disasters.
We don't offer TUBA breast augmentation at our facility for several reasons, including:

1) At our facility, we exclusively use the latest generation gummy bear implants, which cannot be inserted through the belly button. 
This technique is only feasible with saline implants because the pathway from the belly button to the breast area must accommodate a small, foldable implant that is later filled.

2) Inserting an implant through the belly button doesn’t give your surgeon the precision needed to release the pectoralis muscle properly when creating the implant pocket. Creating a submuscular pocket, which is crucial for properly placing an implant, isn't done in an ideal environment when using the belly button as the entry point due to the distance between the belly button and the breast area.
This increases the likelihood of the implant sitting too high or too far to the side in your breast. 

3) With this method, there's a greater risk of unevenness and asymmetry compared to traditional breast augmentation techniques.

4) Using this technique means your saline implants are no longer covered by the company warranty.

5) This technique carries a higher risk of complications such as bleeding, capsular contracture, and an increased risk of infection.

Definitely, the TUBA procedure doesn't provide the surgeon with enough precise, meticulous control during the operation.
Using standard incisions (such as around the nipple or at the breast crease), allows for full access to the breast area for creating the pocket, whether it's below or above the muscle. 
With standard incision, you can choose between silicone gel or saline implants. This is our recommended approach for breast augmentation, and it's one that most board-certified plastic surgeons would likely support as well.

TEXTURED BREAST IMPLANTS - Implants with a sandpapery, not smooth surface

In 2018 We've made the decision to discontinue the use of textured breast implants due to a major concern regarding their association with a very rare type of cancer called BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma). While many plastic surgeons in the USA and around the world continue to use textured breast implants, it's ultimately a decision each surgeon makes with their patients, weighing the risks against the benefits.


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